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Customer Care Planning

Even though compressors are an essential part of operations, they should largely be seen and not heard. With a comprehensive plan in place that focuses on prevention and ongoing care and maintenance, your compressor will get the best attention throughout the year and therefore the least attention from day to day – as it should be.

There are numerous benefits to compressor preventative maintenance and Sullair Australia’s Customer Care Plans are a key component. An effective plan will ensure your vital air supply is running at optimum efficiency, with stoppages eliminated before they become problematic. Sullair’s Customer Care Plans are designed around an agreed time frame and an agreed fixed price giving you certainty and peace of mind throughout the year. The security around services being done at the correct interval, under budgeted pricing cannot be underestimated.

Each plan is custom designed to your facility, production schedules and needs. When compressors are regularly well maintained, they will continue to run at optimum efficiency, saving you thousands of dollars each year. Shael Esler is National Service Business Manager for Sullair Australia. “When a comprehensive plan is in place, it can then be adjusted and customised again every 2 years. That ongoing renewal ensures they have care in place for the lifetime of their equipment”. Customer Care Plans make sure that everything continues to get the same maintenance, based on need across its lifetime, but that the maintenance team can rest easy, knowing the facility’s equipment is taken care of.

Sullair’s Customer Care Plans

Sullair’s three-tier preventative maintenance programs are available to all customers. They are typically built around Sullair or Champion products, but care can also extend to competitor equipment, with other branded equipment or parts incorporated into the Sullair customers’ compressor solutions (depending on the plan). The three levels of care provide economical fixed price servicing for all compressors, with slight differences between each plan. For a general breakdown of each plan and the differences between their offerings, see below:

Customer Care – standard service agreement

  • Application is typically applied to Champion/Sullair product encompassing basic servicing but can also be applied to competitor machines.
  • Consumables including air filters, oil filters, separator elements, purge line filters, top up and change out lubricant, belts (if applicable) are covered; along with any associated equipment including dryers with relevant pre/post filters, oil water separators, blowers and/or receivers. Service pricing provided not only includes parts but labour, travel and accommodation to complete works onsite. Much like capped price servicing through a dealership.
  • Other elements of service are of course available but applied as additional costs. These include labour, mobilisation (including accommodation if applicable), and consumable and environmental charges for example. Additional labour for inductions or known site delays should also be included.

Customer Care Plan Plus – includes component service kits

  • Application is typically applied to Champion/Sullair product and considers the service kits associated to the equipment’s key control components. It is not however applicable to non-Champion units.
  • Consumables included in the standard Customer Care Plan are also included in the Plus plan, as well as component service kits which are installed as per the kit service schedule.
  • Other elements of service are of course available but applied as additional costs. These include labour, mobilisation (including accommodation if applicable), and consumable and environmental charges for example. Additional labour for inductions or known site delays should also be included.

Customer Care by Design – has specific requirements away from the norm

  • Application is typically applied to competitor’s equipment or sites which combine competitor’s equipment with Champion/Sullair product. Customer Care by Design may take the form of a tender response or have a specific costing structure which has been formulated to meet the customers’ requirements.
  • Consumables as mentioned in the other two plans are included, however there are typically special inclusions and requirements.
  • Costing structures typically take into account noted parts, applied labour, mobilisation (including accommodation if applicable), with consumable and environmental charges added as required, and allowing for complete flexibility of the service product and inclusions.

For an insight into Customer Care Planning in action, we talked to Dulux Merrifield about their experiences. Read more here.

Interested in finding out more?

Read more about Customer Care Planning or please contact the Sullair Customer Care Plan representative nearest to you or contact us here.

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