Access to reliable equipment designed to operate oil free is paramount, and Hitachi has developed significant expertise in this space, along with a premium product offering.

Some of the world’s key industries have a critical dependence on oil free air supply, from medical and pharmaceutical to food and beverage, electronics, and automotive industry applications. If air is not clean and contaminant-free, it can pose significant health and safety issues that could be catastrophic to businesses and consumers.

What does ‘oil free’ actually mean?

Air quality is defined under ISO 8573 by the International Standards Organisation (ISO). There are six air quality classes, while contaminant types are also categorised, for example, solids, liquids, and oil. Solid contaminants can be removed through filtration, while some liquid contaminants can be removed with dryers. In some industries, oil contamination is best avoided entirely – enter the oil free compressor, preventing the presence of the contaminant in the first place. Only an oil free compressor can achieve Class Zero air as specified by ISO 8573.

Hitachi Global Air Power – a global leader in oil free solutions

Hitachi has become a global leader in the oil free compressors space, with a versatile range of oil free compressors that are efficient to run and safe for environments where contamination is non-negotiable. The current range includes piston, rotary screw, and scroll compressors, as well as the OFD1550 portable screw compressor and turbo centrifugal compressors.

Diverse applications and comprehensive solutions

Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of working closely with customers for whom oil free air is the highest priority. Our specialised technicians and sales engineers work hard to customise the right solution for the customer. In some cases, customers have needed to upgrade or transition existing oil-injected equipment to a turnkey oil free solution. Others needed to swap out competitor equipment with a reliable, durable and high-quality replacement package. We’ve also enjoyed the opportunity to work with customers around unique solutions and innovations that demand reliable and consistent food-grade air.

As one of the few OEMs offering these kinds of oil free solutions, Hitachi Global Air Power’s oil free team is expertly positioned to provide advice and support and ensure you get exactly the solution you need.

Interested in finding out more?

Speak to your local oil free specialist today:

Jean-Philippe Leclercq (Victoria, SA, WA, Tasmania and NT)
+61 427 255 974

Matthew Ison (New South Wales)
+61 438 872 996

Brent Marshall (Queensland)
+61 439 017 626

To learn more about Hitachi Global Air Power’s oil-free solutions, call us on 1300 266 773 or contact us here.

Let us help you find the right compressor for your needs

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