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air audit

Sullair’s free air audits provide a comprehensive assessment of your machinery’s air usage to identify where energy loss may be occurring before it becomes a problem.

Maximising the efficiency of your compressed air system is especially important in the current climate, with businesses looking for new ways to save money and improve efficiency. Just like electricity, water, gas and the Internet – compressed air is an essential utility. Assessing the health of your compressed air systems not only helps you save energy and reduce spend on wastage, it also prepares you business for a healthy and efficient future, as business operations fully resume post-pandemic.

Assessing supply and demand

When determining how efficiently an air system is running, it needs to be assessed from a couple of perspectives. The first is the supply side – this looks at the system in its entirety to determine it’s fit for purpose for the application it’s being used for. The supply side audit reviews the system against the customer’s needs and ensures it’s meeting, (not underdelivering and not exceeding) their air supply needs. On the other hand, there is the demand side – this assesses how much air is being used and how efficiently it is flowing through the system to then be distributed for operational requirements.

Healthy equipment works more efficiently for a longer lifespan

Sullair Australia’s free air audit will identify if components are too large or too small for the required application and compare the existing supply with the air needs outlined in a customer’s plan. Equipment that is too big will be working under its capacity, using unnecessary energy, while equipment that is too small will be using extra energy by working over its capacity to meet the demands that are beyond the scope of its specifications. Choosing the right equipment and ensuring that it is set up correctly not only ensures the required amount of air is produced in an energy efficient way, but it also promotes a healthier system and prolongs its life as a result.

How will an air audit reduce my energy bills?

An air audit assesses your machinery’s air usage to determine how much air is being used and in doing so, can identify where energy may be being lost. There could be several factors in the mix to cause this wastage to be present such as air leakages, the condition of machinery, or even the alternating demand throughout its operational day.

The air audit ensures you have the right equipment, fit for purpose and that everything within the system is working optimally, giving you the most energy efficient production of air. An audit can also potentially identify avenues where you can save energy and improve efficiency. When done well, an air audit could save you on average between 30 and 50% on your energy expenditure – plus the audit itself is free!

Conducted ahead of adjustments or new installs, Sullair Australia’s technicians can conduct an air audit for your business at any time. The results will help to reduce energy wastage, save you dollars on operational expenditure and enable your machinery to run more efficiently and cost-effectively. Standard air audits are free of charge. Sometimes additional costs may apply depending on your system requirements and/or location but customers will be advised of these costs in advance of any activity commencing.

Enquire about a free air audit today

Fill in the form below and a member of the Sullair Australia team will get in touch.

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