To all of our valued clients, we wish to advise that our Melbourne Head Office and Warehouse remains operational as we commence the six week lockdown in Melbourne. Our staff working in Finance, HR, IT Engineering and Administration roles are all working from home to ensure the staff numbers at the facility have been reduced to the absolute minimum.
Our Operational staff are following a strict COVIDSafe programme which provides segregation protocols as well as additional cleaning measures. Our programme is jointly managed by our EH&S Manager and Melbourne Branch Manager.
Our Logistics support partner has again reassured us that their local and interstate deliveries remain in place between all capital cities in Australia, irrespective to the closure of borders.
Our branches in in Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Newcastle, Sydney and Mackay remain fully functional and are also operating under COVIDSafe protocols.
Sullair provides Capital equipment and Service support for customers who are permitted to operate in Victoria and we remain operational to support their businesses.
We will continue to operate in accordance with the State Government requirements. Should these change we will update the situational report.
Yours sincerely,
Fred Funnell
Managing Director
Sullair Australia Pty Ltd